Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A New Chapter

I am realizing just how ignorant I am being a new mom.  I thought I knew everything. I thought that my skills were AWESOME!  Little did I know, there is so much more to learn and so many different ways to be a mom.

I love being a mom. I love feeling humble that I don't know everything.  I love that I am learning from many moms out there who are equally learning throughout their journey.

It amazes me that moms can be so resilient, so feisty, so energetic, and yet see humor and be calm in the face of life's stresses.  I admire moms all around the world, who actually give their blood, sweat, and tears to their children.  Props to moms who express their love and make sacrifices for the kids.  I curtsy you!

Mama Luvs Baby continues to be up and running, while I am continuously on the hunt for the best of the best mom and baby products.  If you have any ideas, please feel free to facebook message me, email me, or call me.

Big Mahalo!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Working late..

It's 12:06 am.. I swear there never is enough time in the day to do all that I'd like.  Sometimes, I wish I could clone myself so that I can get more stuff to do in a day : )  I'd have 4 arms, 4 feet, and 4 eyes.. more than enough to watch and play with Jr, do my business, work around the house, work on video, and have fun time for me : ) 

I'm realizing though that my time with my son is so valuable, so whenever he calls me to sit and play with him, I drop what I'm doing and enjoy that moment with him.  I know I can never get these precious times back.. so some things are left in the back burner until I'm ready to tackle it again. 

I can't say that I miss the single life, when it was just me or even when it was just my hubby and I.  I love that we are a family of 3 and all the adventures that we have experienced so far.  Having a family just makes life so much sweeter. 

So, in the midst of work, I am still constantly thinking of my son and my husband... I'm dosing off a little as well.. long day today, took Jr to the Dr to check some odd bumps on his leg (Dr is thinking it may be a bite or a reaction to something), attempted to edit the wedding slideshow that is due in 2 weeks, ran errands for my hubby, cooked dinner, oh the list goes on.. Again, never enough time to do all that I'd like to do.  Thank God for TOMORROW! 

Till the next time fellow bloggers!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mommy Party

It's early Monday morning and I wanted to write my thoughts down before my Mommy brain forgets.  Had an awesome Mommy Party with Super Moms on Saturday! We shared our thoughts, ideas, demonstrated the products, and had a good time enjoying each other's company.  Part of the reason I created Mama Luvs Baby is to offer an outlet where new moms can learn about mom and baby products and to share our thoughts about being a new mom or a seasoned mom.  I love being a mom and I love my son, hence the title, Mama Luvs Baby.

Meeting the moms this weekend was such a blessing.  They have inspired me to continue on with Mama Luvs Baby.  I can't wait to see them again at the next Mommy Party.

I'm still on the hunt for the BEST mom and baby products to place on my site.  If you have any thoughts/ideas, please let me know.  Till next time.. A hui ho fellow bloggers and friends!

Monday, September 20, 2010


I got my 1st order last night from my website.  A customer called my 1800 number at 8pm.  She ordered a Moby and then today, she called back to order a Snuggin Go.  Today, Sunday, I got emails and calls asking about the Mommy Party and the products that I offer.  I am soooooo blessed and honored to be able to do this.  I know that God is here helping, watching, and guiding me.  How grateful I am to you, God, for always being there for me.  Thank you.  I can't wait till my customers receive their products and I get to hand deliver this items to them.  I am looking forward to seeing their faces light up and to meet their families.

I LOVE people and I often give people the benefit of the doubt.  In fact, sometimes, my husband gets a little worried because he thinks I'm too trusting.  Bless his heart.  He only says so cuz he cares.  Part of the reason, I've opened up Mama Luvs Baby is because as a new mom, I wanted to find a shop out there that had the best products all in one place.  Because I've used my products, I live, breathe, and swear by them, which makes it easier for me to answer questions and to market them.  Before opening up Mama Luvs Baby, I told ALL my mommy to be friends, mommy to be I see in the hospital or other public places, and my friends, who have mommy to be friends, how GREAT and AMAZING these products are.. So, I thought I should get a commission for advertising.

I don't know what Mama Luvs Baby has in store.. what I do know is that I am honored to meet all new and seasoned  mommies and daddies and to hear their stories and experiences.  It's all about CONNECTING and LEARNING from other perspectives.  I am open to listening and hearing.

Next on my agenda: Mommy Party on September 25th from 10-1pm.  I hope this will be a better turn out than the last time.  I think it will be.. crossing my fingers.

I better close my eyes now.  I'm super pooped today.

Mahalo for reading..

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Warm Hello to you fellow Blogger!

I am new to this, so please bare with me.  I've always loved to journal, even more so now that I have a child.  It helps me remember what happens on a day to day basis as he grows.  In this blog, I'll share my adventures with my son and my husband and I'll share how my online business is growing(my other baby!).  Keep posted!